I started going to the gym properly last year as I wasn’t happy with my body. I could always slim down a bit but then got stuck at a certain point. After putting on weight after my holiday back in the summer I struggled to get back into good habits and going to the gym so I asked for Ian’s help. The exercise part of the plan was a challenge as I did a mix of weights and HIIT, which I’d never done before. I really enjoyed it however the food part was hard. I struggled to eat the amount of calories and meet the macros I’d been set so I made no progress. After some tips from Ian I purchased my first bag of protein and managed to meet my macros for the last 3 weeks. I now feel much fitter and leaner than I’ve ever felt and will definitely be carrying on with everything I’ve learnt. Thanks to Ian I can now throw away my baggy jumpers and will be comfortable wearing my tight dresses just in time for Christmas.